What is KS2 (Key Stage)?

Key Stage 2 (KS2) is the key stage taught in Years 3 to 6, when children are between 7 and 11 years-old.

The English National Curriculum informs schools what subjects to teach and it tells teachers which topics to cover and at what level. As well as subjects and topics, the National Curriculum also sets out how KS2 pupils should be tested or assessed and the level they should achieve.

Which subjects are taught in KS2 at Grange School?

• English
• Maths
• Science
• History
• Geography
• Modern foreign languages
• Art and design
• Music
• Design and technology
• Physical education
• Computing (often called information and communication technology or ICT)
• Drama

At Grange School, PSHE is also taught as a subject. Our PSHE (personal, social, health education) curriculum in KS2 is designed to teach children about staying safe, looking after themselves and living a healthy lifestyle.

Grange School is a happy and healthy place to learn. We strive to promote, through topics and in lots of other ways, children’s personal, social, spiritual and emotional development. Although this is not a statutory subject, it is one included in the National Curriculum and our school makes provision for PSHE and E-Safety.

How are children assessed in KS2?

At the end of every term, children’s abilities are formally assessed. The Rising Stars optional tests are also written at the end of the year to benchmark our children against National Standards. How well they do in these assessments is measured against the level/skills expected by the end of each year.
At the end of Year 6 (when KS2 finishes) children take the Cambridge Primary Checkpoints exams.

Which tests are taken in KS2?

• English grammar, punctuation and spelling
• English reading (reading and understanding text)
• Mathematics
• Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics)