Key Stage 1 is the legal term for the two years of schooling and it is normally known as Year 1 and Year 2, when pupils are aged between 5 and 7. At this stage, the teaching gradually becomes more formal than in Nursery.

At Grange School, we believe education is about the development of the whole person. We know that KS1 is a crucial stage in a child’s school life. It is a time when good learning habits are developed, a love (or not!) of education is established and children begin to recognise their own strengths and weaknesses.

We aim to provide a fun environment where children learn through first-hand experience and play, and start to take responsibility for their own learning.

Children are still provided with plenty of opportunities for practical, hands-on learning. The curriculum is broad and enriched and there is a strong focus on teaching in ways that promote and account for the stage of development of each individual child.

Each class has a highly-qualified teacher and a teaching assistant, supported by a team of specialists for Music, Nigerian Studies, Physical Education and Computing. The classrooms are cheerful, stimulating and welcome – an international school environment where children feel safe and secure to learn.


• Year 1 and 2 pupils explore all the core subjects: Literacy, Numeracy, Science, Geography, History, Art and Design, Music, Physical Education, Computing, Design Technology, Library Skills and Personal, Social Health Education.
• To help our children develop their language skills there is a strong focus on speaking and interaction, with an emphasis on role play to support topic and literacy lessons.
• All pupils receive Music and Drama lessons as part of the curriculum. The Year 1 and 2 pupils stage a full theatre production each year in our end of year Christmas Concert, and all children are encouraged and supported to sing, dance and act in regular assemblies and concerts.
• Children have high-quality Physical Education (PE) lessons every week and co-curricular activities that rotate around swimming, soccer, ballet, chess, dance and taekwondo over the course of every term.
• What students learn in the classroom is enhanced by trips which are linked to the topics they are studying.
• Formal and informal assessment of each pupil’s level of attainment takes place throughout the year to measure progress and help identify the next steps in learning.


• The curriculum in Years 1 and 2 is designed to support each pupil’s academic progress, encouraging every child to become resourceful, creative and responsive learners
• It also encourages pupils’ social and emotional development: children find or build on their confidence and self-esteem
• With the PSHE curriculum, pupils develop a greater awareness and understanding of cultural, social and environmental issues and how they can learn from each other’s similarities and differences
• The fact that teachers assess and monitor each pupil’s progress over the course of the two years means that learning experiences can be structured to ensure that each child is being challenged, motivated and supported.

Akpan Aniefiok
KeyStage 1 Coordinator